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    • In my entire MLM career, I learned that Follow Up is one of the most difficult thing to do. But as I observed Million Dollar earners, they are very good at follow up. I noticed they can easily close their prospects because they are good at follow up, they have steady stream of prospects to join their business. One of technique I learned from them is that they "sweeten" the deal...

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    • The goal of a Followup contact is to schedule the next one. The goal outcome for every prospect is 1) they sign up, 2) they become a customer, or 3) they give you a referral. Then file them to be in touch later. Life will change for them in time, and you can be there to help where needed.

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    • Wanna know how to effectively follow up with your Network Marketing Prospects? You will learn my most powerful strategy in this blog post. Watch this short video to learn EXACTLY how to effectively follow up and recruit more reps!

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    • When you’re inviting people to look at your network marketing business, following up is absolutely crucial. There are A LOT of wrong ways to do it, but these seven network marketing follow-up tips will help increase your sign-ups dramatically.

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    • "Are your prospects getting back to you in a timely manner? If you want to increase your sign up rate, here is EXACTLY how to follow up with your network marketing prospect. Once you have sent your business opportunity to a person who asked for it, how do you follow up?"

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    • After your business presentation, about 70% of prospects will say they will think about it overnight if they will join the business. In reality, that "overnight" can mean a week or two or even months.

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    • The #1 reason most distributors don't follow-up with their prospects is more psychological than simply a lack of organization. I believe the root of poor follow-up is due to a lack of belief. A lack of belief in themselves, their future success or even the opportunity they represent.

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    • Follow up is one of the most important aspects to successful recruiting. Here are some tips that, in my humble opinion, are worth a million bucks! Eric Worre has a very simple tip on how to perfectly do the follow up as a professional network marketer.

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    • Every top earner knows that “the fortune is in the follow up”. In sales, it’s said that it takes an average of 7 “exposures” before someone will buy from you. I’ve never kept statistics on this, but I will say that in Network Marketing, MOST people will NOT sign up with you after only one conversation.

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    • []Before, I thought follow up is calling my prospects if they are joining or not. But I was wrong. This book has helped me learn how to professionally follow up my prospects. Proper follow up means we have a great conversations with our prospects. Our prospect look forward to our call.

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    • Network Marketers often make the mistake of thinking that they have to sign up a prospect at the end of the first meeting. But 9 times out of 10, a prospect won’t sign up after just one exposure. It takes time to educate prospects so that they fully understand the opportunity. And that is why the follow up is so important.

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